Dr Sally Lau - Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Affiliation with Antarctic Science Foundation
“Traversing The Covid Gap” Grant Recipient 2020
PhD Thesis
Molecular signatures of historic glacial events in benthal taxa.
More about Sally
I am interested in the evolutionary genetics of Southern Ocean benthic taxa. Currently investigating the genomic signatures of glacial refugia, evolutionary innovation, seascape adaptation and historical ice sheet changes.
Selected Publication
Genomic evidence for West Antarctic Ice Sheet collapse during the Last Interglacial Period, Sally C. Y. Lau, Nerida G. Wilson, Nicholas R. Golledge, Tim R. Naish, Phillip C. Watts, Catarina N. S. Silva, Ira R. Cooke, A. Louise Allcock, Felix C. Mark, Katrin Linse, Jan M.Strugnell, bioRxiv 2023.01.29.525778; doi:https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.01.29.525778