Georgia Watson-Research Officer SAEF

Affiliation with Antarctic Science Foundation

Ambassador for ASF on Antarctica Flights Season 2022/23

More About Georgia

Georgia studied a Bachelor of Science (Biology, Hons I) at the University of Wollongong, supervised by Professor Kris French and Doctor Luke Collins. Her honours research investigated how timber harvest and frequent prescribed burning altered the ingrowth, growth and mortality of a eucalypt forest in South East Australia over two decades. She spent two years as a research officer in the Global Challenges Program at UOW, within the challenge of 'Sustaining Coastal and Marine Zones', supporting interdisciplinary research teams across a broad spectrum of topics.

Georgia has been a research assistant in the School of Earth, Atmospheric and Life Sciences, with projects focusing on invasive flora biology, monitoring and data deficient flora ecology. Currently, she is a research officer within the ARC SRI Securing Antarctica's Environmental Future, focusing on terrestrial biodiversity and moss monitoring. This research took her to Casey Station, East Antarctica, in February 2022.

Current Role

2021 - present

Research Officer, University of Wollongong, Securing Antarctica's Environmental Future (SAEF), Wollongong

Selected Publication

Jones, S. & Watson, G. (2021). Understanding Antarctic terrestrial biological systems in a changing climate, Boletín Antártico Chileno, 40 (2), 25-28.