Cara-Paige Green
Affiliation with Antarctic Science Foundation
“Traversing The Covid Gap” Grant Recipient 2022
PhD Thesis
Quantifying the ecological factors under-pinning population trends of Eudyptes penguins.
More about Cara-Paige
I have a background in environmental science, research, field work and report writing. I have gained experience in project management through my honours, masters and now currently my doctorate degrees which have all been research and literature publishing focussed. I have collaborated across disciplines and with a large group of international scientists and managed large datasets. My interests lie in conservation, marine ecology, project management, team work, a fast changing and interesting workplace with many projects and generally being the office enthusiast.
Currently, I’m working as a Senior Wildlife Officer at the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania (NRE Tas).
Selected Publication
PLOS One 17(2), February 2022Cara-Paige Green, Norman Ratcliffe, Thomas Mattern, David Thompson, Mary- Anne Lea, Simon Wotherspoon, Pablo Garcia Borboroglu, Ursula Ellenberg Kyle W. Morrison, Klemens Puetz, Paul M. Sagar, Philip J. Seddon, Leigh G. Torres, Mark A. Hindell, The role of allochrony in influencing interspecific differences in foraging distribution during the non-breeding season between two congeneric crested penguin species, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0262901.