Dr David Gwyther - School of the Environment, University of Queensland
Affiliation with Antarctic Science Foundation
Ambassador for ASF on Antarctica Flights Season 2023/24 and 2024/25
More About David
David is a Research Fellow at the School of the Environment at the University of Queensland.
He has been to Antarctica several times during his studies. He completed his PhD at the University of Tasmania, studying how the Southern Ocean is melting the Antarctic ice shelves using high-resolution computer simulations. Since then, he has completed postdoctoral fellowships in Tasmania, New South Wales, and Queensland.
Current Research
His current research focus is building a state-of-the-art computer simulation of the Amery Ice Shelf/Prydz Bay region. Then, it will be used to explore the sensitivity of ice shelf melting and dense water formation under a changing climate. He is also particularly interested in spotting large melt ponds on the surface of any glaciers – as these surface melt features are relatively uncommon in Antarctica.
Impressions from Antarctica Flights Ex-Brisbane NYE 2023
Selected Publication:
David E. Gwyther, Colette Kerry, Moninya Roughan, and Shane R. Keating, Geoscientific Model Development, Vol 15,17 Observing system simulation experiments reveal that subsurface temperature observations improve estimates of circulation and heat content in a dynamic western boundary current.