Appointment of new Chair

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The Antarctic Science Foundation is delighted to announce the appointment of Dr Katherine Woodthorpe AO as the new Chair of its Board of Directors. 

Dr Woodthorpe is well qualified to lead the Foundation on its mission to support scientific research that advances the understanding and protection of Antarctic region and its impact on global climate.  

She also Chairs the National Climate Science Advisory Committee and for 16 years held the position of Chair of the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems CRC.

Dr Woodthorpe has served for 20 years on the boards of a variety of organisations including listed entities, government boards and for-purpose organisations, she is a Fellow for the Australian Institute of Company Directors. 

‘I am delighted to be given the opportunity to Chair the Antarctic Science Foundation. Having spent 16 years as Chair of the ACE CRC I have a deep passion for Antarctic science and the valuable insights we gain, to better understand how to protect the continent and the surrounding Southern Ocean”. said Dr Woodthorpe.

Dr Woodthorpe replaces the Hon Robert Hill AC who stepped down as Chair earlier this year.

Learn more about the Antarctic Science Foundation and/or make a tax deductible donation to Antarctic and Southern Ocean research

Media enquiries Dr Katherine Woodthorpe – +61 408 976 724

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