The Antarctic Science Foundation launches first outdoor poster campaign


This month, the Antarctic Science Foundation launched its first non-digital campaign, which resulted from an extraordinary collaboration with UK writer Nick Asbury, Sydney creative director Christopher Doyle (Doyle & Co.), and media company, Rock Posters.

Finding new ways to talk about the climate and our natural environment is challenging. The manifesto and campaign aim to provoke wonder and resolve, not despair and anxiety.

The poster captures the wonder and awe of Antarctica through the scientific discoveries you have supported via the ASF.

The Antarctic Science Foundation provides grants and fellowships to scientists on the front line of research in Antarctica. Every dollar donated goes directly to fund specialist research into maintaining healthy oceans, monitoring sea ice levels, minimising biodiversity loss, tracking penguin populations, and a range of other fields, often with unexpected benefits for humanity.

With the new research season on the horizon, please consider making your 30 June gift to The Antarctic Science Foundation.  

All gifts to ASF are tax deductible.

We thank Nick, Chris, and RockPosters for their finest efforts on this project to raise awareness of the importance of Antarctica.

And our thanks to YOU for supporting our researchers and their projects in Antarctica.

With thanks,

Team ASF

🇦🇶Antarctica offers us the answers.
Let’s ask the questions together.


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Doreen Henning-Fagan